Minggu, 02 November 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Movie Review

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BODYwNDYxNDk1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTAwMTk2MDE@._V1_SX214_AL_.jpgThe Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)

I am not the biggest fan of Ben Stiller, so I could Have easily passed on this one, but the trailer for this film looked really interesting. I had to see how this story played out. Of course when I walked in the theater, all my fingers were crossed hoping that I wouldn't walk out totally disappointed. I'm happy to say that I didn't.
This movie was soooooo cute! When I say cute, I don't mean "girlie" cute, but just plain cute. It was really fun to watch. I loved the story and all the characters, who each brought so much to the story. And to my surprise, I totally enjoyed Stiller. This is definitely one of my favorite movies from him. He was good, and looked even better. And I'm serious about the looks part. I found myself crushing hard on Stiller in this film...lol. I would break down all my favorite characters, but honestly, I enjoyed them all, from Stiller's mother, the on-line dating phone rep, Stiller's sister...everyone. I also have to give props to the filming style of this movie. There are some great visually entertaining shots that I have to applaud.

 This is a feel good movie. One that will likely have you smiling when leaving the theater. This movie would be great for a date, or movie night alone. It has an enjoyable feel to it, so I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Sabtu, 01 November 2014

"If I stay" Movies Review

 If I Stay (2014)

http://www.showfilmfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/If-I-Stay-poster-2014.pnghttp://www.pagetopremiere.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Screen-Shot-2014-03-28-at-10.03.51-AM.png http://www.joblo.com/newsimages1/ifistay-trailer.jpgThis movie probably won't move most of you, and I'm sure many of you have very little interest in seeing it. I'm a fan of a good "chick flick", and I found the trailer and theatrical poster to my liking, which intrigued my interest to see this film. I also heard it was a bit of a tear jerker, and this weekend I was in need of a good cry...

This movie was all Chloe Grace Moretz...wow. I'm not the biggest fan of hers, but I do always find respect for her performances, but her performance in this film set me on a different level with her. She was absolutely perfect as Mia Hall. It was said Dakota Fanning was also up for this role, but as much as I love Fanning, I don't think she would have done Mia the justice. Moretz was so soft, beautiful and sweet. And don't get me started on the music in the film. She had me thinking she was really playing that beautiful cello...nicely done. Besides Moretz, I loved the story and the other characters involved. Mia and her best friend played by Liana Liberato felt like a genuine friendship. Mia's family will have you laughing, and falling in love with their family dynamic. Then there is the love story, which did a great job of being overkill in the story.

This movie is super sweet, moving, and may have a few of you wiping some tears away. This movie was beautifully directed and had great acting performances. It will hold your attention until the credits roll, that is if you're in to movies like these, enjoyed it